View of Washington Square Park from the south towards the fountain and arch


As part of our mission to enhance research and teaching excellence within NYU, and to advance student learning and engagement as well as innovation, the Center for Faculty Advancement (CFA) supports the Immersive Technology Lab (iTLAB).

Faculty interested in the potential of XR (eXtended Reality) technologies are invited to explore our services including guided introductions to virtual reality (VR), intermediate and advanced VR workshops, and immersive software training. We demonstrate the potential of these emerging technologies, and work with you to determine the best methods to achieve your goals.

Immersive Technologies

Spatial computing—a term encompassing virtual, augmented, and mixed reality—is a growing area that offers many unique educational benefits. Our skilled staff can provide support for these technologies in a variety of ways:

  • Introductions to the basics of virtual reality hardware and software
  • Remote and in-person presentations, workshops, and training for virtual reality and immersive technologies, such as Wonda Spaces
  • Training for users creating content with intermediate and advanced XR (eXtended Reality—virtual, augmented, mixed, etc.)
  • Help for users acquiring or creating content for immersive experiences, including applications, 3D models, and other materials
Request a consultation

Examples of Immersive Technologies at NYU

Screenshot of a virtual-reality ceramics sculpture exhibit

VR Support for Projects in Ceramics
In collaboration with Linda Sormin, Associate Professor of Studio Art at Steinhardt, we explored the viability of using virtual reality in her ceramics class.

Screenshot of a virtual-reality ceramics sculpture exhibit

Teaching Students to Create With VR
With input from the College & Career Lab, we created a two-week course in which students use virtual reality hardware and software to create a project related to a professional interest.

Still frame from a video about 3D object conversion for virtual reality

3D Object Conversion For Virtual Reality
Offering virtual reality support for studio art required the iTLAB to find a solution for bringing real-world sculptures into VR.

iTLAB Services

Introductions to Virtual Reality

Guided introductions to VR, including demon­stra­tions of equipment and immersive appli­ca­tions, with an emphasis on best practices for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Workshops & Training

Presentations demonstrating the capabilities of virtual reality, introductory and advanced VR workshops, and training in software applications for creating immersive content.

Intermediate & Advanced XR

Assistance with advanced hardware and software, complex projects, XR research and experimentation using immersive technologies in teaching and learning.

XR Content Creation

Evaluation of the best methods for acquiring and creating content for your immersive lessons, XR experiences, and research projects, and best practices for their optimization.

iTLAB Immersive Technology Lab

For more information about best practices, tutorials, resources, software recom­men­da­tions and more, visit the iTLAB.