View of Washington Square Park from the south towards the fountain and arch

Department Chair Workshops

Department chairs play a critical role in the life of the University. Through discussions, frameworks, and tools that apply to real-world challenges, the workshops aim to support and empower department department chairs. They also address key challenges facing new and continuing department chairs, as identified by the University Faculty Affairs Council (UFAC) and school members.

Workshops are divided into four core modules, and chairs may attend any or all of the modules:

  1. Understanding and Embracing Your Role as Chair
  2. Deepening Self Awareness
  3. Building Trust
  4. Skillfully Resolving Conflict

Each module addresses core leadership skills relevant to chairs regardless of their experience level or the size and composition of the department, andeach includes a practicum session, which will explore the content further and introduce tools and frameworks. Modules and practicums are offered on multiple dates to accommodate faculty schedules.

Each core module is followed by an application (practicum) session, which will explore the content further and introduce tools and frameworks that chairs can use immediately:

  1. Giving Effective Feedback
  2. Running More Effective Meetings
  3. Creating an Environment of Radical Candor
  4. Managing Difficult Faculty

for 2024–2025

Each workshop is offered on multiple dates to accommodate busy schedules. Pick one date per module and/or practicum.

Module 1:  Nov. 12, 13, 21, 25, 26

Practicum 1:  Dec. 2, 3, 9, 17, 18

Module 2:  Jan. 14, 15, 16, 17, 27

Practicum 2:  Jan. 29, 31, Feb. 3, 5, 7

Module 3:  Feb. 3, 4, 10, 12, 13

Practicum 3:  Mar. 6, 7, 10, 12, 14

Module 4:  Feb. 19, 20, 25, 26, 27

Practicum 4:  Mar. 19, 21

Workshops begin at 9:30 am ET.

Register now!

CORE MODULE 1: Understanding and Embracing Your Role as Chair

While management responsibilities may vary by School or Campus, overseeing a department requires Chairs to understand and embrace their leadership of the unit. This first session will explore the Chairs’ leadership mandate and how it applies across a range of scenarios.
Dates:  Nov. 12, 13, 21, 25, 26

Practicum 1: Giving Effective Feedback

Learn simple but effective strategies for setting clear expectations, giving constructive feedback, writing evaluations, and following up effectively.
Dates:  Dec. 2, 3, 9, 17, 18

CORE MODULE 2: Deepening Self-Awareness Through the Five Paths to Leadership Self-Assessment

All effective leadership starts with self-awareness. Using the Five Paths to Leadership model, Chairs will learn their natural preferences around leadership as well as ways to adapt to different situations and contexts. The Five Paths model will also help Chairs understand how their leadership may change under stress.
Dates:  Jan. 14, 15, 16, 17, 27

Practicum 2: Running More Effective Meetings

Using the Five Paths to Leadership framework, Chairs will be able to diagnose how effective their meetings are and learn a variety of strategies to improve them.
Dates:  Jan. 29, 31, Feb. 3, 5, 7

CORE MODULE 3: Building Trust

Without trust, leadership is not effective. In this session, we’ll break down the anatomy of trust to understand the specific ways in which Chairs can and must cultivate trust, both at a personal and unit level.
Dates:  Feb. 3, 4, 10, 12, 13

Practicum 3: Creating an Environment of Radical Candor

Trust cannot thrive when communication is not honest, compassionate, or constructive. In this session, we’ll use Kim Scott’s model of radical candor to help Chairs assess the norms in their units and identify strategies to break toxic or unproductive communication patterns.
Dates:  Mar. 6, 7, 10, 12, 14

CORE MODULE 4: Skillfully Resolving Conflict

Chairs’ most important leadership skill is knowing how to resolve conflict skillfully and proactively. In this session, Chairs will learn a proven model for navigating these difficult conversations and practice with real-world scenarios.
Dates:  Feb. 19, 20, 25, 26, 27

Practicum 4: Managing Difficult Faculty

Sometimes, proactive approaches to conflict resolution don’t work despite our best efforts. This session will examine strategies for managing particularly difficult faculty.
Dates:  Mar. 19, 21

Leadership Coaching (available upon request)

Chairs may sign up for individual or group coaching. We recommend individual coaching specifically for Chairs who:

  • were external hires
  • are leading units with multiple programs and competing interests – are leading programs experiencing significant change

Group coaching will also be offered as part of this program to assist with applying the key skills and provide more personalized support for Chairs with shared interests and challenges.