View of Washington Square Park from the south towards the fountain and arch

New Faculty Orientation

Welcome to NYU's New Faculty Orientation. Niyati Parekh, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Initiatives and Global Engagement
View the September 6 agenda
View the slide presentation

NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION (NFO) is an important initial step for new faculty to learn about NYU and the services and programs available to support research, scholarship, and teaching at NYU. NFO also provides information about NYU policies, resources, and networking opportunities.

NFO is divided into:

  • Online content, to review prior to and after arriving on campus
  • An in-person orientation on September 6, 2024
  • A month of continuous programming geared toward new faculty, with topics that include: Navigating NYU’s Organizational Landscape, Funding Your Research at NYU, Building Your Collaborative Network, and Open Writing Hours

Virtual Campus Tour

QR code to view the Virtual Campus Tour

This tour may not work on all mobile devices. The Chrome browser is recommended.

The CFA’s Immersive Technology Lab (iTLAB) has created an immersive virtual tour of NYU’s degree-granting campuses.

  • Use the QR code to view the tour on your smartphone
  • Use the QR code to view the tour on your smartphone

… or …

Center for Faculty Advancement

The Center for Faculty Advancement (CFA) was created within the Office of the Provost to foster both individual scholars and the academic community at large, by enhancing research and teaching excellence within NYU, and promoting public engagement with the world outside of NYU. CFA supports faculty with a range of programming from recruit­ment to career ad­vance­ment, and through­out the faculty life cycle.

Programs & Services

Welcome Video: Charlton McIlwain, Vice Provost for Faculty Development, Pathways & Public Interest Technology

Faculty Recruitment Initiatives.  NYU is committed to interdisciplinary collaboration including the Faculty Cluster Initiative, which supports hiring and elevating innovative faculty with diverse research and life experience.

Faculty Mentoring.  The Early Career Faculty Institute and Mid-Career Faculty Initiative evolved out of the unique needs of faculty at different points in their careers. Each program provides knowledge, insight, resources, and engagement opportunities, and prepares faculty to meet key career milestones such as tenure, promotion, and contract renewal. Faculty also focus on developing academic leadership capacity, as well as positively impacting communities within and outside NYU.

Awards.  The Distinguished Teaching Award is given annually to ​​outstanding members of the faculty with at least 10 years of service at NYU, and includes a research stipend. The James Weldon Johnson Professorship is named for NYU’s first Black Professor, and is given to faculty chosen for the positive impact of their work on society. The Professorship offers $25,000 per year in research support for three years.

Pathways.  From pre-college students to career faculty, pathway programs enhance teaching, research, and community engagement. College & Career Lab (CCL) offers New York City middle and high school students the opportunity to explore academic and professional pathways to help them thrive in high school, college, and beyond. Faculty First-Look (FFL) provides talented scholars, especially those underrepresented in the academy, with insight into what it takes to prepare for a future faculty career. Pathways website tells the stories of students, faculty, and higher education leaders engaged in pathway programs at NYU. The stories are presented through video content, podcasts, immersive experiences, an interactive map, aggregated news, and resources.

Alliance for Public Interest Technology.  A global, multidisciplinary, group of NYU faculty, administrators and staff, the Alliance for Public Interest Technology aims to facilitate faculty research, teaching, and thought leadership on the responsible and ethical creation, use, and governance of technology in society.

Immersive Technology Lab (iTLAB).  Faculty interested in XR (eXtended Reality) technologies for teaching and learning have access to introductory through advanced virtual reality workshops and immersive software training at the iTLAB.

Communications.  Faculty receive important news and information about opportunities across NYU twice a semester through the CFA Newsletter. The CFA LinkedIn page provides more timely updates. Each month, Faculty Spotlight shares the accomplishments of NYU faculty across disciplines, and reveals details that don’t appear in traditional bios.

Teaching Support

The Learning Experience Design (LED) team within the Office of the Provost supports all faculty interested in teaching inno­vation and excellence at NYU. Through con­sul­ta­tions about teaching and course design, teaching obser­vations, faculty-led conversations called TeachTalks, peda­gogy workshops, seminars, and special ini­tia­tives, LED’s mission is to advance teach­ing and learning across NYU.

In addition, most schools at NYU support faculty with an instructional technologist, learning designer, or in some cases a learning design team dedicated to teaching and learning. Learn more about educational technology support within NYU schools and units.

Programs & Services

Teaching Consultations.  Faculty are invited to request a consultation to discuss any teaching-related question or topic, including classroom challenges, new teaching techniques, increasing student engagement, interpreting student feedback, reflective teaching practices, and more. These consultations can be one-time engagements, or they can lead to further partnerships, including syllabus and full course review, classroom observations, review of mid-semester and end-of-semester-course feedback, and more.

TeachTalks.  A series of faculty-led conversations about teaching at NYU, TeachTalks enables participants to discuss issues currently impacting student learning, and to share pedagogical innovations across disciplines.

Pedagogy Workshops.  Best practices in teaching, student engagement, and course design are just a few of the many workshop topics scheduled throughout the semester. Workshops may also be requested at any time for cohorts of instructors.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.  LED hosts a community of practice around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), including a yearly SoTL Symposium, frequent SoTL workshops, a series of SoTL related TeachTalks, and a vibrant SoTL community.

Teaching Advancement Grant.  Offered by the NYU Office of the Provost, the Teaching Advancement Grant (TAG) aims to help NYU faculty members undertake projects that will enhance student learning and promote innovative teaching practice.

Teaching with Generative AI.  LED coordinates and supports NYU-wide efforts to develop best-practices around teaching and learning with Generative AI. This includes the Teaching with Generative Tools working group, AI-specific Teach Talks, and support for generative AI events.

Other Initiatives.  The LED team is also happy to discuss other teaching initiatives, including the Pedagogy Toolkit, an 8 module customizable teaching guide hosted and shared via Brightspace; the Student Faculty Partners Program, which brings together students and faculty to improve teaching and learning; the Peer Review of Teaching, which allows faculty groups to create systematic formative peer mentoring programs; and others.

Office of the Vice Provost for Research

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research (VPR) works closely with the president, provost, deans, faculty, and senior administrators to facilitate, energize, and grow the University’s research enterprise and its impact. VPR promotes interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research; encourages and facilitates technology transfer, business engagement, and economic development; affirms the integrity of research processes and policies; stewards the physical and computational infrastructure necessary for research leadership; establishes collaborative research partnerships nationally and internationally; participates in federal and state research-related policy making; integrates research and education at the graduate and undergraduate levels; and oversees research policy and implementation.

Programs & Services

Getting Started with Your Research.  A list of databases and resources to search for funding inside and outside of NYU.

Grant Forward.  A dynamic search engine with a personalized funding recommendation service to simplify your grant search.

NYU Research Wiki.  Resources for proposal development and more; requires login to NYU Home.

NYU Libraries

NYU Libraries is a key resource for all research and teaching needs. Whether it’s world-class collections, responsive and vibrant services, or deep and broad expertise across many areas, the Libraries support and connect faculty to a variety of helpful resources and people that are committed to helping the NYU community learn, grow, and discover. The libraries’ mission and values create more open, equitable, and antiracist services and collections.

Programs & Services

New Faculty Orientation: NYU Libraries

Library Collections including books, video, data, and more.

NYU Libraries Video tutorials about everything from locating a book to using Google Scholar.

Articles and databases organized by subject area or multidisciplinary topics.

Ask-a-Librarian 24/7 for reference services.

Library Liaison for your department or program.

Request a Library Instruction session for your class and receive instruction relevant to courses and student research assignments.

Data Services for quantitative, geospatial, qualitative and data management support.

Digital Scholarship Services for web projects, digital humanities, and repository help.

Digital Studio for integrating technology into curriculum.

NYU-TV for video production services.

Subscribe for free access to The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, available free of charge to NYU students, faculty, and staff.

Research Guides organized by subject.

Library News provides the latest news from NYU Libraries.

Liblink Newsletter provides biweekly emails about events, exhibitions, and programs open to current NYU students, employees, and faculty.

Work Life

As part of NYU’s commitment to improving the overall well-being of its faculty, researchers, and administrators, the Work Life office identifies and responds to the needs of employees throughout their career life cycle. Focus areas include workplace well-being, leadership, child care and education advisement, parenting support, adult caregiving, aging, and retirement. Work Life’s mission is to create a forward-thinking work environment where faculty feel supported in their personal and professional lives.

Programs & Services

New Faculty Orientation: Work Life

Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  Emotional Wellbeing Solutions, powered by Optum, is a flexible EAP that provides faculty and their dependents access to five free sessions of mental health counseling, with the option to be referred to an in-network provider.

Dr. Bob Talbot, Onsite EAP Counselor.  NYU’s on-site EAP counselor, Dr. Talbot, is available for free, confidential, tele-health and in-person consultations.

Work-Family Supports.  NYU offers financial assistance to help with child care expenses.

Back-Up Childcare with Bright Horizons.  NYU subsidizes up to 10 days of backup child and/or adult care per calendar year; back-up care days can also be exchanged for tutoring or pet care.

Parenting Groups.  Engage with colleagues in a safe and confidential space around new and evolving identities as both a professional and a parent.

Lactation Support.  NYU offers support and resources for faculty and administrators who return to work and continue to breastfeed their child.

Mindful Parenting Program.  A workshop series based on evidence-based interventions, the program was developed for parents to learn and practice the application of mindfulness skills to themselves and to their parenting experience.

NYU Child Care Google Group.  The Group functions as a shared “bulletin board” where community members can post, search for, and respond to caregiving jobs and services.

Managing with a Work-Life Perspective: A Manager’s Toolkit.  The toolkit comprises six evidence-based practices to build trust, nurture resilience, and practice empathy.

Self Care Strategies.  Explore mental, social, physical, and spiritual self care.

Support Group for NYU Community Members with Older Adult Loved Ones.  A virtual support group that provides a forum to share concerns, resources, and encouragement.

NYU Society of Retired Faculty.  Remain connected to the NYU community through lectures and educational programming, volunteering, mentoring, and more.

The Wrinkle Project @NYU.  The Wrinkle Project is designed to change the way people think about age throughout the life cycle, and to raise awareness about age and ageism in the workplace.

Kinder Emailing and No-Camera Fridays.  Learn to navigate and balance the stress of email overload and Zoom fatigue, and the etiquette of both!

Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability leads the university-wide effort to build a healthier and more sustainable future through strategies that span every area of university life including: reducing our greenhouse gas emissions, supporting teaching and research, and providing guidance in establishing a culture of sustainability. Funding is available to: advance innovative and curricular sustainability initiatives; run trainings and programs to support sustainability in the workplace; and facilitate cross-disciplinary dialogue amongst faculty, researchers, students, and administrators.

Programs & Services

New Faculty Orientation: Office of Sustainability

Climate Change Initiative.  A provostial priority to foster research, innovative teaching, collaborative partnerships, and academic and professional opportunities for students to face the climate crises head-on.

Environmental and Racial Justice Network.  Faculty and scholars convene to discuss the intersection of social, environmental, and racial justice.

Green Grants.  Up to $20,000 grants are available to advance a sustainability project at NYU.

Green Workplace Certification.  A self-reporting program for administrators to receive recognition for improving the sustainability of their workplaces.

Green Events Standard.  A checklist, resources, and training to make events more sustainable by reducing waste and improving food and beverage service.

Faculty Housing Happenings.  Sustainability events are offered throughout the year to those who live in NYU faculty housing.

Events.  Annual traditions like NYU Earth Month, and other events are listed throughout the year.

Sustainability Resources.  From how to run green events, to biking at NYU, to a faculty sustainability guide, explore important resources for implementing sustainable practices at NYU.