Enrique “David” Degollado joined the faculty at The University of Iowa in Fall 2019 as a Post-Doctoral Scholar in Language Education. In Fall 2021, he began his Assistant Professorship in Multilingual Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning. Currently, David serves as the coordinator for the ESL Education program and is a member of the Literacy, Culture, and Language Education graduate faculty.

David’s research focuses on the language and literacy practices and ideologies of bilingual speakers who live in the physical and figurative borderlands. Through narrative inquiry and storytelling, David’s research seeks to understand the historical and contemporary practices and ideologies of bilingual pre- and in-service teachers, and speakers to improve bilingual education schooling in the US. In his research, David draws on border theories—such a border thinking and nepantla—to illuminate the complex and contradictory narratives that emerge through people’s storytelling. His research has been published in the Journal of Literacy Research, Teachers College Record, Teaching and Teacher Education, and Equity and Excellence in Education. David has also presented at the American Education Research Association (AERA), American Association of Applied Linguists (AAAL), and Literacy Research Association (LRA).

Originally from the Texas borderlands, David was previously a bilingual education classroom teacher.