View of Washington Square Park from the south towards the fountain and arch

Cluster Proposals

Create and propose a new cluster within NYU

The Faculty Cluster initiative is an opportunity for schools and departments across NYU to recruit, support, and elevate the most innovative faculty and their research. Interdisciplinary collaboration and inclusion, within and between clusters, will enhance pedagogy and impact generations of global researchers, professionals, citizens, and leaders.

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current clusters


The Faculty Cluster Initiative represents a new approach to recruitment and hiring, including:

  • A framework for collaboration across schools, departments, and campuses;
  • Shared values to enhance the quality of teaching and research, as well as expand the faculty within clusters and disciplines;
  • A process that expands faculty participation in the recruitment process, while balancing the strategic visions of schools and departments.

The Center for Faculty Advancement supports the Faculty Cluster Hiring Initiative as part of its mission to foster both individual scholars and the academic community at large by enhancing research and teaching excellence within NYU, and by promoting public engagement with the world outside of NYU. We encourage interested schools and departments to review the following criteria for creating a new cluster within NYU.

Proposal Components & Submission

Each proposed cluster must be submitted in a standard form for Schools’ Dean’s Offices to complete and submit. The form will include the following information.

Cluster Overview

  • Cluster title
  • Proposer names, titles, and brief bios
  • University priority best fit: Inequality, Urban, Climate Change, Alliance for Public Interest Technology
  • Cluster description
  • Departments involved in cluster
  • Proposed number of faculty, by rank, in cluster (with rationale)
  • Proposed timing/order of hires (AY ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27)

Cluster Details

  • How will the proposed cluster enhance NYU’s ability to recruit and retain faculty who have experience in the following areas:
    • Academic excellence and innovative research
    • Interdisciplinary collaboration
    • Building creative educational environments
    • Divergent life experiences
    • Public engagement outside the Academy
    • Mentoring students, researchers, and other faculty
  • What persistent scientific, social, and political challenges, problems, or opportunities will this cluster address, and how?
    • How will it also enhance our ability to recruit dedicated faculty in these fields?
  • How will the cluster promote innovation and pioneering research that distinguishes NYU as a leader in the proposed research area(s)?
  • How will the cluster strengthen our ability to secure public and/or private external funding support for research and research impact?
  • What types of scholarly and professional development opportunities might the faculty in this cluster work on together (e.g., research seminars, public events, co-teaching, policy interventions, etc.?).
  • What will the represented school(s) and departments do to help ensure the success of the cluster as a whole?
  • What efforts will target tenure/promotion or other professional milestones for individual faculty? To be clear, we do not expect members of the cluster to do “extra” work. Rather, we want to see a plan from schools for how they will ensure that the cluster “gels,” and produces added value.

Cluster Recruitment

  • Briefly describe the fields of research involved in your proposed cluster, and what opportunities and challenges exist in these fields to produce an expansive pool of potential candidates.
  • How will existing/emerging faculty be recruited? For each faculty position (including their respective rank) proposed for this cluster, identify one or two individuals (with links to bios/CVs) whose research profiles exemplify the faculty you seek to recruit, if your cluster proposal is approved.
  • Describe the proposed plan for conducting the recruitment process, review, and final decisions about hiring cluster faculty.
Timeline of the Cluster Initiative proposal process

Timeline of the Cluster Initiative proposal process

Click or tap to zoom

Text description

School Contacts for the Clusters

Arts & Science

Contact:  Susan Anton

Included clusters

  • Black Diaspora Cultural Studies
  • Black Diaspora Literary Studies
  • Comparative Antiquities
  • Disability Studies
  • Language and Power
  • Latinx Studies
  • Minds, Brains and Machines
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies
  • Race and Cities in the Americas
  • Race, Identity and Inequality
  • Transforming Ecologies in Urban Environments

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Contact:  Helena Jane Carey

Included clusters

  • Predicting Climate Change and Its Impacts: from the Global to Urban Scale

NYU Libraries

Contact:  April Hathcock

Included clusters

  • Building STEM for the Public Good: Cultivating Openness in the Sciences
  • Centering Underrepresented Voices: Anti-Racist Practices in Libraries and Archives
  • Health and Scientific Literacy, Openness, and Equity
  • The Politics of Space: Data, the City, and Structures of Inequality
  • Transformative Humanities for All: Building and Sharing the Cultural Record

School of Global Public Health

Contact:  Melody Goodman

Included clusters

  • Anti-racism, Social Justice, and Public Health

Silver School of Social Work

Contact:  Michael Lindsey

Included clusters

  • Bridging Systems Toward Equitable Solutions for Youth: Education, Mental Health, and Child Welfare
  • Equity and Data Science

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Contacts:  Fabienne Doucet, Erin Godfrey, and Jasmine Ma

Included clusters

  • Bridging Systems Toward Equitable Solutions for Youth: Education, Mental Health, and Child Welfare
  • Creating a Just Society: Equity and Belonging
  • Health Equity in Rehabilitation Sciences and Engineering

Tandon School of Engineering

Contact:  Yao Wang

Included clusters

  • Health Engineering
  • Health Equity in Rehabilitation Sciences and Engineering
  • Sustainable Engineering

Tisch School of the Arts

Contact:  Karen Shimakawa

Included clusters

  • Representation in the Arts

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the objectives of the Initiative?

  • Recruit and retain faculty that contribute to the academic innovation of the University
  • Encourage and enhance cross-disciplinary research collaboration and the ability to seek external research funding
  • Broaden NYU’s research visibility on key societal problems. Engage in evidence-based research that positively impacts the world by addressing these issues. 
  • Promote faculty engagement with stakeholders within and beyond the university.

How do I develop and submit a cluster proposal?

All cluster proposals MUST be submitted through your school’s dean’s office. The deans of each school will/have set up the process by which cluster proposals should be discussed and developed with relevant faculty, chairs, and deans, and, if approved, submitted. Questions about the process in your school should be directed to the specific contacts listed in the School Contacts for the Clusters section (above).

Can clusters include faculty from two or more schools?

Yes. All cluster proposals, which may include between 3–6 faculty, MUST include faculty from more than one department within a single school, and may include one or more schools. If your cluster proposal includes more than one school, you should be in touch with representatives from each participating school to determine which will submit the proposal.

Who approves cluster proposals?

As with all faculty hires, each school’s dean and the provost approve faculty cluster proposals. Deans approve new clusters by submitting new cluster proposals to the Provost, who then gives final authorization to initiate hiring into the cluster.

What is the role of the Faculty Cluster Advisory Committee (FCAC)?

The FCAC does not approve cluster proposals. Because this is a university-wide initiative, the role of the FCAC is to: help articulate a set of broad, shared, goals for the Initiative; represent faculty across the university to develop shared best practices for successfully recruiting, hiring, supporting, mentoring, retaining and advancing the professional development of faculty in the clusters; provide feedback on ways cluster proposals might be strengthened in terms of potential connections to human and financial resources that exist across the university; and provide a university-wide process for accountability by helping to determine a common framework for measuring and evaluating progress towards achieving the initiative’s goals. The FCAC is led by Vice Provost Charlton McIlwain.

Are cluster proposals required to fall under one of the five thematic areas listed in the Roadmap document (Inequality and Anti-racism, Urban Environments, Politics & Problems, Public Humanities, Media, & the Arts, Public Interest Technology, Population Health and Health Equity)?

No. Utilizing these overarching themes to facilitate the organization and focus of clusters is a means to an end. The themes help achieve the goals of the cluster initiative in terms of both hiring outcomes as well as to help distinguish NYU as a leading institution for research and impact in specific areas. However, schools may propose clusters that fall outside of the five areas above so long as they make the case, through the proposal components, that the cluster can achieve the goals and objectives of the initiative.

A purple-and-white NYU banner on the exterior of a building

See the NYU Guide to Diverse Faculty Searches for more recruitment strategies and resources.