Autumn Bush
Autumn is a Program Director in the CFA.
Autumn is a Program Director in the CFA.
I support the strategic planning, development, and execution of academic enrichment program initiatives through the NYU College & Career Lab and the Faculty Resource Network at NYU.
The best part of my job is having the opportunity to shape academic programs and initiatives that directly impact pre-college, college students, and faculty success. Whether I am collaborating with campus partners to design curricula or actively fostering collaboration among faculty and addressing students’ needs, I believe I play a role in creating enriching educational experiences. Lastly, the ability to influence both the academic and personal growth of students is especially rewarding, as it contributes to their long-term success and development.
I do not think I would choose a different path. My career experiences have prepared me for all of my future steps—from writing grants to reviewing contracts and agreements to developing effective programs and initiatives for students, faculty, and staff.
I studied psychology and women’s studies as an undergraduate, and social work in graduate school. Though my education is not directly related to what I am doing professionally at NYU, my studies and the many opportunities I have been afforded along the way have prepared me for what I am doing now. For example, psychology offers me insights into human behavior and emotional well-being, which are crucial for managing teams and developing programs that meet diverse needs. Social work adds practical knowledge of systems, advocacy, and resources that support the implementation of programs in a holistic manner. Lastly, women’s studies helps foster an understanding of gender dynamics, inclusivity, and social justice and how they affect marginalized groups. I am amazed at times at how my studies support my professional work!
As an administrator in higher education, I am motivated and inspired by the pursuit of knowledge
Autumn speaking at the Faculty Resource Network’s 2024 Network Summer event
I would step into the role of a school dean or campus provost. Experiencing the university from either of these perspectives would offer invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities they face and would deepen my understanding of how to better support the learning and development of the communities they serve.
As an administrator in higher education, I am motivated and inspired by the pursuit of knowledge, the opportunity to mentor and be mentored, and the continuous growth that comes with engaging in scholarly work. These elements collectively drive my passion for fostering learning and contributing to academic communities.
Through the FRN, for example, I have been fortunate to connect faculty across academic institutions in the US who mentor each other and work on amazing projects together, like a summer seminar that explored the blending of pedagogical strategies with emergent media and cultural debates. Witnessing the growth and success of faculty members as a result of engagement initiatives that I have worked on (e.g., Scholars-in-Residence, week-long intensive workshops, etc.) has brought me a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
Michael Cucher
Associate Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras
During my time as a Summer Scholar-in-Residence (SIR) with the Faculty Resource Network, Autumn provided me with critical support for my research project. What I will always remember with gratitude are the connections she helped me forge with other scholars and faculty members at NYU. The meetings at the beginning and ending of every summer session helped to solidify connections with SIRs from all over the world. Because of Autumn’s support, I have presented excerpts of my research at multiple international conferences from UC Santa Cruz to the University of Notre Dame while also sharing my work with colleagues at my home institution, the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras.
Evelyn I. Rodriguez
Associate Professor, University of San Francisco
The Faculty Resource Network has been critical to my development of new curriculum and pedagogical approaches at the University of San Francisco, and has been invaluable in providing me with the resources to devote to my scholarship. Autumn’s oversight and coordination have helped me obtain a book contract with NYU Press and file for promotion to full professor. I feel genuinely indebted to Autumn and the FRN, and applaud NYU for recognizing her contributions not only to the University but to the national network of faculty that the FRN brings together and helps to thrive.