NYU Distinguished Teaching Award

Award Recipient
Donna Hallas

Donna Hallas

Clinical Professor
Rory Meyers College of Nursing

Donna Hallas is director of the Pediatrics NP Program and a clinical professor. She is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and pediatric mental health specialist. At NYU Meyers, she prepares pediatric nurse practitioner students to provide quality health care services for infants, children, adolescents and young adults within a family-centered framework. Her research focus is on improving healthcare outcomes for pediatric patients. Hallas is also a faculty scholar of the International Qualitative Institute at Alberta, Canada. She is a fellow of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. She maintains a practice as a PNP in primary care for high-risk children.

QR code to generate Augmented Reality depiction of Donna Hallas's Distinguished Teaching Award

Scan the QR code with your supported device’s camera to view your 3D award in Augmented Reality.

Supported devices: iPhone 6s+ and iPad 5+ on iOS 12+, Android 8+
Supported Apple browser: Safari
Supported Android browser: Google Chrome

Augmented Reality Instructional Video

Watch and follow along with this instructional video on how to access the 3D Award in Augmented Reality