Jordan Daley is a fifth-year PhD candidate at Northwestern University in the social psychology program. He conducts research as a member of the Social Cognition Lab, under the guidance of director Galen Bodenhausen. Jordan is broadly interested in attitudes, social cognition, person-perception, and intergroup relations. He seeks to go beyond just the identification of bias to reveal the constructs that relate to, and the mechanisms that underlie, psychological biases. His intention is to inform and motivate bias awareness, interpersonal/intergroup understanding, and social interventions, with the ultimate goal of promoting social harmony and using data-driven insights to pursue solutions to societal challenges. Jordan applies innovative methodological and statistical techniques, and actively attempts to match his research agenda with relevant societal interests and trends (such as social media and algorithmic decision-making). Jordan’s central line of work focuses on skin-tone bias, and how this form of bias differs from racial bias. He studies this question both from a basic social-cognitive perspective, but also from a more applied perspective, such as how skin-tone variations influence communicator effectiveness or social media perceptions.

Jordan has loved being in Chicago for the last five years and continues to find new highlights of the city. In his free time, he enjoys basketball, music, and all things fantasy/sci-fi.